The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 693: Morgan B

Come, my ordained ally-versaery! Let our battle cries rend the very heavens above!

May the song our crossing blades echo unto eternity!

I shall be the first to strike! Radiaaant...DAAAAAAWN!

Too slow! I parry with ease!

Y-you do?!

Is that all you've got, fiend?!

Impossible! How could he have defeated my ultimate special move?!

Ha ha! My turn! Flamingo... PUUUUUUNCH!

I don't even need to dodge such a pathetic fireball. I deflect it back at you! KA-PWING!


Heh heh. Child's play.

But... how?! How did he return my arcane magic?!

It seems we're at a stalemate, my rival. Till next the fated hour is tolled!

I'll not let you off so easy nest time! I swear it! I SWEEEEAR!

: ......


Ha ah ha ah ha ah ha!

Ha ah ha ah ha ah ha!

That. Was. AWAZING!

Oh my gosh, right?! You were great, Owain!

Hardly! For being new to this, you nearly blew me away!

Please, you're too modest. I'm nowhere near as good as you. I'm surprised how much fun it is to think this stuff up on the fly.

And it only gets better from here! So...same time next week?

Sure! I can't wait!